GET https://{companyname}.tool2match.nlapi/jobs/published-internal/{job_id}
TOOL2MATCH provides a set of public, read-only REST APIs to retrieve information about published job vacancies. This documentation specifically covers internal job vacancies. All responses are returned in JSON format.
Base url
The base URL for the API is https://{companyname} If this does not work, ask the user for the URL they use to log in. This URL will have the same structure.
Fetching Details of a Specific Internal Job
The /jobs/published-internal/{job_id} endpoint allows you to retrieve detailed information about a specific internal job vacancy. This endpoint is particularly useful for accessing the full details of job postings that are exclusively visible to internal employees or specific users within your organization.
GET /jobs/published-internal/{job-id}
- Description: Retrieves detailed information about a specific internal job vacancy.
- URL-parameter:
- job-id (required): The unique ID of the job vacancy you want to retrieve.
Access to this endpoint is secured via token-based authentication. TOOL2MATCH can generate the required token for you. Include the token in the "t2m-token" header of your API request.
Available job fields in response
The following fields will be returned in the response for internal jobs:
Field name | Description | Type of data |
job_id | Job-id number of the vacancy | Integer |
date_published | Publication date | String |
job_title | Job title | String |
job_short_title | Short description shown on the vacancy overview | String |
jobsite_short_description | Short description shown on the vacancy page | String |
job_description | Job description | String |
contract_type_title | The contract-type E.g. "Fulltime", "Parttime" | String |
employment_type_title | Type of employment E.g. "Freelance", "Internship", "Indefinite time" | String |
job_type_name | Free input field N.b. In the tool this field is referred to as "Vacature-categorie" | String |
num_hours_per_week | Number of hours per week for which the vacancy is open | String |
max_range_meters | Maximum distance to the location of the department in kilometers | String |
function_type_name | Type of function E.g. "Sales", "HR", "IT" | String |
education_level | Level of education E.g. "Bachelors degree", "Masters degree" | String |
sector_name | Type of sector/industry E.g. "Business services", "Industry", "Retail" | String |
min_salary_euro | Minimum salary in euro's | String |
max_salary_euro | Maximum salary in euro's | String |
salary_period | Salary period Possible values: month, year, 4-weeks, hou | String |
banner_image_url | Link to a banner image | String |
job_thumbnail_url | Link to an image added to the job | String |
video_link | Link to YouTube video | String |
video_link_title | Title shown above the YouTube video | String |
youtube_position | Location of the YouTube video Possible values: "below job", "above_job", "sidebar" | String |
tags | Keywords/tags | String |
custom_job_meta_title | Meta title | String |
custom_job_meta_description | Meta description | String |
tracking_pixel | Tracking pixel | String |
department_name | Name of the department/location | String |
department_street | Street in which the department is located | String |
department_number | The house number where the department is located | String |
department_zipcode | The zipcode related to the department/location | String |
department_city | The city where the department is located | String |
department_state | State in which the department is located | String |
department_email | The e-mailadress of the department/location | String |
department_phone | The phonenumber of the department/location | String |
recruiter_name | Name of the contact person | String |
recruiter_job_title | The job title of the contact person | String |
recruiter_email | E-mailadres of the contact person | String |
recruiter_mobile | Mobile number of the contact person | String |
recruiter_phone | The phonenumber of the contact person | String |
recruiter_linkedin | Link to LinkedIn profile of the contact person | String |
recruiter_image_url | Link to the image of the contact person | String |
recruiter_show_whatsapp | Show whatsapp icon on website | Boolean |
CMS settings
In TOOL2MATCH, users can make various configurations. For example, users can determine which data they do or do not want to show per vacancy in the vacancy overview. To keep this functionality available to users, close integration must be established with the fields below.
Available cms fields in response
Field name | Description | Type of data |
show_department_city_on_jobsite | Show city of department | boolean |
show_employment_type_on_jobsite | Show type of employment | boolean |
show_function_type_on_jobsite | Show type of function | boolean |
show_distance_on_jobsite | Show maximum distance to the department in kilometers | boolean |
show_department_name_on_jobsite | Show name of department | boolean |
show_sector_on_jobsite | Show type of sector | boolean |
show_salary_on_jobsite | Show salary | boolean |
js_show_tags | Show tags | boolean |
show_contract_type_on_jobsite | Show type of contract | boolean |
show_education_level_on_jobsite | Show level of education | boolean |
show_num_hours_per_week_on_jobsite | Show number of hours a week | boolean |
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