POST | Job application

Gewijzigd op Di, 10 Dec, 2024 om 3:44 PM


Base url

The base url of the acount is https://{companyname} If this does not work, ask the user for the URL they use to log in. This has the same structure.

Posting to the/jobs/applyendpoint will create new candidates in the database. 

Note: In the user side of TOOL2MATCH, users have the option to determine per vacancy which fields they want to request in the application form. In the event that candidate data is forwarded via the above endpoint, this feature will no longer be available.

We therefore also have the option to load TOOL2MATCH into the website via an HTML + Javascript code. This may limit the styling you can apply, but it does ensure that the dynamic part of the application form remains intact. We therefore always recommend that you investigate this option first before building the application form via APIs. Documentation about the integration of this form can be found on this page.

How to submit a job application to TOOL2MATCH

  • Make sure the POST message contains a JSON body containing all the data
    • The fields "firstname_2", "surname_2", "email_2" and "phone" are required to be submitted.
  • To get around the Single Origin Policy, use a proxy script on your server side which forwards the data to TOOL2MATCH on the above URL.
  • Make sure to transfer files as base64 and transfer 'birthday data' in the following order "YYYY-MM-DD". 

Example of JSON body

//POST  <baseurl>/jobs/apply
  "preferred_language" : "nl",
  "job_id" : 1,
  "firstname_2": "Klaas",
  "surname_2": "Janssen",
  "birthday": "2000-01-01",
  "gender": "male",
  "street_2": "Stationsweg",
  "number_2": "1",
  "zipcode_2": "1234AB",
  "city_2": "Amsterdam",
  "email_2": "[email protected]",
  "phone": "0612346578"
  "linkedin_profile": "",
  "salary_indication": "1234",
  "personal_note": "Geen opmerking",
  "cv": "filename":"cv.pdf",
          "filedate": "", 
  "letter": "filename": "brief.pdf", 
               "filedata": ""

Dynamic fields for application form

As also mentioned above, the dynamic part of the application form disappears when the application form is integrated via API's.

To keep this functionality available to users, close integration must be established with the fields below. These fields can be retrieved through this API endpoint: /api/jobs/published/{job_id} (GET). 


VariabeleDescriptionType of data
js_show_street_numberShow field street numberBoolean
js_show_zipcodeShow field zipcodeBoolean
js_show_cityShow field place of residenceBoolean
js_show_countryShow field countryBoolean
js_show_birthdayShow field date of birthBoolean
js_show_genderShow field genderBoolean
js_show_linkedinShow field LinkedInBoolean
js_show_cvShow field cvBoolean
js_show_letterShow field motivation letterBoolean
js_show_salary_indicationShow field salary indicationBoolean
js_show_personal_noteShow field personal noteBoolean
Field street number is required to be submittedBoolean
Field zipcode is required to be submittedBoolean
Field city is required to be submittedBoolean
Field coutry is required to be sumbittedBoolean
Field birthday is required to be submittedBoolean
Field gender is required to be submittedBoolean
Field LinkedIn is required to be submittedBoolean
Field cv is required to be submittedBoolean
Field motivation letter is required to be submittedBoolean
Field salary indication is required to be submittedBoolean
Field personal note is required to be submittedBoolean

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